Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gas Price Update

When I passed by the plethora of convenience stores on the way to work this morning, I almost had to pull over and see if anyone had a de-fib machine to use on me; the gas prices on the signs at the stores all said $3.45 per gallon.  Faithful readers, that's the highest that I have ever seen gas prices here in the 'Ville.  And unfortunately from what the experts say, it's only going to get higher.  All I can say is thank goodness I filled up last Friday; until today, the $3.36 I paid Friday was an all-time high.  There's not much I can say about gas being three and a half bucks a gallon, other than it's just insane.  I'm glad I've been walking and riding my bike; at the rate the gas prices are going, it looks like I'll need to ride my bike to work.  The only problem is there's no place to carry the Prada purse on a bike.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and I hear the price is only going to go up!

~~~Make it a Great Day~~~