Thursday, March 31, 2022

Ohio Valley Weather Update

Yesterday, the high was 82 degrees.  We had a storm front move through during the night.  Today's high was 45 degrees.  It's no wonder most of the people in the Ohio Valley are coughing and sneezing.  

Me and the old man are two of them.  I was paranoid two days ago and tested and it came up negative.  We don't have a fever and no other symptoms, just like we had  a couple of months ago.  Actually, I'm coughing more than the Old Man.  This round of the crud is way less then when we had it in February, thank the Lord. 

I'll test again tomorrow just to be on the safe side.  I have the day off to take the Old Man to the Dermatologist so I will have all day to rest up.  

Stay tuned.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Women In History Month, Country Music Edition

 My top ten women  in country music.  In no particular order except for the #1 spot.

1. Tammy Wynette

2. Barbara Mandrell

3. Emmylou Harris

4. Patsy Cline

5. Trisha Yearwood

6. Connie Smith

7.  Jeannie Seely

8.  Crystal Gayle

9. Dolly Parton

10. Shannia Twain

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 I want to add two more awesome women to my list of top Pop and Rock women. 

Carly Simon

Sheryl Crow 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Women In History Month, Pop and Rock Edition

 Here is my top ten women in pop and rock, in honor of women's history month of March.  They are in no particular order, except for the #1 spot. 

1. Heart

2. Fleetwood Mac

3. Donna Summer

4. Pat Benatar

5. Aretha Franklin

6. Diana Ross

7. Joan Baez

8/ Blondie

9. Gloria Estefan

10. Bonnie Raitt

Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Compliments Keep Coming

 I intended to post this on Thursday but as I said yesterday, I was distracted. 

This past week was a good week for compliments.  First, the Morgan Stanley guy complimented me by assuming that I started at ZCO right out of high school.   Score.   Second, my hair stylist complimented me by saying I looked younger than a women the same age as me.  The woman is an old friend that I grew up with, and she was in the salon the same time as me and the Old Man.  Only she wasn't getting a haircut - she was getting a fresh dye job on her hair.  She was getting it re-dyed in a color I will call bubblegum pink.  Nuff said.  

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Update From The Compound

 I apologize for not posting the past few days.  I've been distracted.  There's been some drama at work, but that's not really an excuse for me not posting.  I truly appreciate the faithful readers that still read my blog every day.  I promise I will do better in posting. 

I will give a quick Covid 19 update.  I was definitely in the minority today when I went to the grocery store.  I could count on one hand the number of people other than me that were wearing masks.  But you what? I don't care.  I will still wear my mask in an attempt of bringing the virus home to the Old Man.  We've made it through two years without it, and I want to continue that. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Morgan Stanley, You Made My Day

Today, I received one of the best compliments I have received in years.  And I am loving every minute of it. 

I was eating lunch in our lunchroom, and our Morgan Stanley retirement fund guy was here, and he stopped in the lunchroom to get a cup of coffee.  I said hi, and we started chatting, and he made a comment about hearing that I was retiring in four months.  I told him yes, and he asked how long I had worked here.  I proudly told him 33 and a half years.  He shook his head in agreement, and said “Yep – there’s a lot of ZCO employees that started here right out of high school.”  Believe me when I tell you I wanted to jump up from the table and kiss him on the cheek.  I thanked him for the compliment, and told him that Morgan Stanley would always get my financial business.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Why Do I Do This To Myself?

Why do I willingly put myself through torture?  Example: yesterday, it was announced that they are closing my beloved WalMart that is just 5 minutes from The Compound.  They said the reason was because it was underperforming.  But I digress.  Immediately, a page on Facebook that is dedicated to the Dixie Highway area was full of posts asking about it.  The post that really set me off was a person asking if it was the Valley Station WalMart that was closing.  This prompted not one, not a dozen, but a lot of posts replying to that person telling them no.   I would have thought one explanation reply would have been sufficient, but apparently it wasn’t. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Dear Betty Crocker

 Dear Betty Crocker:

While we love your baking products, I am going on record and saying I don't love your food storage products.  

Every set of plastic bowls I've bought are horrible because the lids never fit.  I usually end up spilling whatever is in the bowl as I attempt (key word) to put the lid on.  I end up getting frustrated and pour the food into a Mason jar because I know that lid will fit. 

So, in the future, if you all can't get the lids to fit, stop selling the bowls and lids.

Nuff said. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Flashback Friday

 About 5 or so years ago, they bought a popcorn machine at work, and during March Madness, they would make popcorn for all of the plant and office employees to have on Thursdays and Fridays during March Madness.  That came to a screeching halt in March 2020 when the pandemic hit, but this March, they are back in business with popcorn.

This reminds me of when I was in elementary school.  Once Friday a month, the PTA room mothers would have a popcorn sale, and would sell bags of popcorn for 10 cents a bag after school.  There were strict rules with it, however - you were doomed if you opened the stapled bag on the school bus on your way home.

I always looked forward to popcorn Fridays.  When I got home from school, Gram would have a cold little green bottle of Coke waiting for me to drink while I ate my popcorn.  You can't imagine how big of a treat that was for me. 

Today, there were a dozen bags of popcorn leftover in our lunchroom this afternoon.  I brought some home to give to Large Marge (she loves popcorn) and to share with the Old Man.  I just wish we had some of the little bottles of Coke. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day

 Top o' the mornin' to you, ladds and lasses!  Here's one of my all-time faviorite jokes, that just happens to be an Irish joke. 

Paddy O'Bryan was not home at his usual hour, and his wife Kathleen was fuming, as the clock ticked later and later. Finally, about 3:00 AM she heard a noise at the front door, and as she stood at the top of the stairs, there was her husband, drunk as a skunk, trying to navigate the stairs.

"Do you realize what time it is?" she said.

He answered, "Don't get excited, I'm late because I bought something for the house."

Immediately her attitude changed, and as she ran down the stairs to help him, she said, "What did you buy for the house, dear?"

His answered, "A round of drinks!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesday, Wednesday

 Every coworker I talked to today all said the same thing - they were not in the mood for today.  I have to totally agree. 

I did a half day's work this morning before I went to the office for my paying job.  And have done two hours of work tonight after I got home from my paying job.  

July 27 cannot come soon enough. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday, Tuesday

It was a long Tuesday today.  I still didn't sleep worth a damned last night.  I don't know if I can still blame it on Daylight Savings Time or not.  

I am going to do my best to not doze off tonight, and if I have to go to bed earlier than normal tonight, I sure will, in hopes to get a good night's sleep. 

Stay tuned.  

Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday, Monday

 It was a long Monday with dealing with Daylight Savings Time.  I didn't sleep well last night, but I will say my last two hours of sleep until the alarm went off were my best sleep all night.  I'm hoping for a good night's sleep tonight.  I am not going to drink anything except a mouthful of water later if I need to take some extra-strength Tylenol for my knee, so that should cut down on the nighttime trip to the bathroom. 

Stay tuned.  

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Selection Sunday

Today is Selection Sunday - the day when the NCAA conferences announce which teams will be going to the basketball tournament, aka March Madness.  But for me, every Sunday is Selection Sunday; it's the day I put together my menus for the upcoming week. I plan out breakfasts, lunches and suppers for the week for me and the Old Man.  With working during the day (note: 95 more work days until I retire) and having to fix his breakfast and pack my lunch before heading to work, and then getting something in the Crock Pot or fixing something fast when I get home, planning is a necessity.  It's things like this that make me glad that I turned out to be a professional scheduler.  

For supper, I only plan ahead for Monday through Thursday, since Friday is always Fish Friday.  This week, our choices are bowtie pasta with chicken, bbq chicken thighs in the Crock Pot, soup and grilled cheese, and on St. Patrick's Day, corned beef.  It's making me hungry.  Saturday and Sunday suppers are a little easier since I'm not rushed.

Now I'm hungry.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Snow Update

 Thank goodness the weatherazzi was wrong last night.  We only got a dusting of snow.  But it sure is cold.  As I type this, my Dark Sky weather app says the temp is 20 but feels like 8 with the winds coming out of the north.   I'm glad I did my grocery shopping yesterday and can stay in where it's warm and read and drink coffee.  

Friday, March 11, 2022

Flashback Friday

 During lunch today, some coworkers and I were talking about things from back in the day, when the topic of Top Value and S&H trading stamps came up.  Needless to say, we felt old when a coworker had no clue what we were talking about.  It reminded me of this TWIT post from 2004.  

My co-worker Adrian and I were discussing the Planet Lunch Points on his individually packaged bags of Frito Lays products. The Planet Lunch Points can be redeemed for merchandise. We decided to try and save enough points to get a $25 Pizza Hut gift card.  This discussion led us to the topic of the frequent flyer miles and old school trading stamps.  When I was growing up in the 60's (damn, that sounds old) stores and gas stations in our area would give their customers Top Value stamps.  Some stores here gave out S & H Green stamps, but in keeping with the family tradition, we only saved Top Value.

When Dad would put gas in the car, the attendant handed him Top Value stamps.  When we bought groceries, the cashier would give us stamps from a dispenser that sat beside the cash register.  When Mom and Grandma changed purses, a few Top Value stamps would fall out, stuck to a Kleenax or a Certs wrapper. When I would go with my family to get gas or groceries, if I behaved and didn't act up in the store, I would get the stamps.  That was incentive enough to be on my best behavior.  As soon as we would get home, I would run and get the cigar box from underneath my bed that held the priceless stamp books, and the pasting would begin.  I still remember what was at the top of each page - "Paste one single stamp in each of the fifty blocks on this page or paste one Top Value 50 here."  The coveted 50's!! I usually had singles, but they all added up.  I remember how if I didn't move fast enough, the stamps would start to dry after I licked them, and then I'd have to get the glue. You had to be very careful when using the glue, because it would seep through the little perforations on the stamps and before you knew it, you'd glue the pages together. 

When I thought I had "enough" books, Mom and Grandma would take me to the Top Value catalog store, where I could buy something with my books of stamps.  The store clerk carefully inspected the books, counting points per page to catch any attampts to defraud Top Value.  I still have one item I bought with my books of stamps - a shiny copper cookie press. 

Shopping with stamps wasn't the only way to acquire sixtie's era stuff without paying for it.  We had a set of drinking glasses from the gas station whose value rested on the number of gallons purchased.  At today's prices, they should hand out Bacarat crystal.  And we owned quite a few towels that were included in boxes of Breeze detergent, so happily advertised by Dolly Parton on "The Porter Waggoner Show."  People went after this stuff the way kids paw to the bottom of a box of Cracker Jacks looking for "the prize."

I like remembering that I was once so young that my most immediate goal in life was to fill five books of Top Value stamps.  I'd like for things to be that simple again, even for just a little while. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Happiest Day Of the Year At Work

Today is the happiest day of the year here at ZCO.  Last night, our profit sharing checks were deposited. 

Nuff said. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Weird Wednesday

 I had a weird vibe all day long.  It started this morning when I woke up.  I had some crazy nightmares last night, and it weirded me out.  But I shook it off and made it through the Wednesday at work just mildly rattled. 

I'm hoping for no nightmares tonight, and for a good Thursday at work. 

Stay tuned. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Something You Don't See Every Day

 On the way home from work yesterday, about a half mile from the office, I noticed traffic was at a stand still.  There was no school, so I knew it wasn't a school bus.  Finally the traffic started to inch its way, and then to my surprise, there was a big black hen in the middle of the road.  That is definitely something you don't see everyday.

But about a block from where the hen was, there is a house that used to have chickens running around in their front yard about 10 years ago.  Maybe this hen was a descendant.  Who knows.  She wasn't there today, and I didn't see any chicken roadkill, so I hope she made it back home.

Stay tuned. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Sleepy Sunday

 With my crazy sleeping hours I have been having lately, I am happy to say I took not one, not two, but three naps on Sleepy Sunday.They caught me on on my sleep.  And I still slept pretty good last night.  

I've always been a napper - what can I say.  

Rainy Days And Mondays

 It just dawned on me, that when I say "Rainy days and Mondays", there is a whole generation or two that don't know what I'm talking about.   To educate you, back in the 70s, a group called The Carpenters had a song out that was a mega hit called "Rainy Days And Mondays."  But I digress.

When I checked this morning on my way out of the house, our rain gauge said 3 and a half inches.  So we got that much rain here at The Compound since late yesterday evening.  I sure am glad it stopped. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

It Happened Again

 Once again, I was wide awake at 4:00 this morning.  But this time, I was able to go back to sleep, and slept until a bit after 8:00.  Let's hope for a repeat tonight.  Or better yet, not being wide awake at 4:00 in the morning. 

Stay tuned. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

It Was Another Long Day

 Once again this morning I was wide awake at 4:00 again.  I tossed and turned until my regular 6:30 get up time and then I once again started pouring down the coffee. I made it through the easy work day, and now I am hoping for a good sleep-in for tomorrow morning.  

We're getting ready to watch some rodeo on TV, and I am going to do my best to not fall asleep while watching TV so I can save it up for bedtime.

Stay tuned. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

It's Going To Be A Long, Long Day

 I'm afraid it is going to be a long, long day for me.  I didn't sleep worth a damn last night, and have been up since before 4:00.  At 6:00, I contemplated texting my boss saying I would be an hour or two late this morning in hopes of getting a nap, but I just started pouring down the coffee instead. 

I might go out to the van during lunch break and take a nap. 

Stay tuned. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Update From The Compound

 After using the heating pad for a few hours every night for the past few nights, I am very happy to say that my knee seems to be on the mend.  Today at work, I didn't feel like crying with every step I took like the past few days.   And it didn't hurt when I took the garbage can out to the end of the driveway a few minutes ago.  

As soon as I post this, I am going to put on my Capsazin and once again get my awesome big heating pad wrapped around my knee and sit in the recliner. 

Nuff said.