Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thursday. Thursday

 It was a crazy busy day at work.  I got an hour of OT today just trying to keep up.  

As I sit here right now, I have ten minutes before our burrito casserole is done.  I wish I could take a quick cat nap in these ten minutes but it's not possible.  I'm calling it now --- tonight, I am going to bed at 10:00.  So let it be said, so let it happen. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I Feel Like A Slug

I have felt like a slug tonight.  After fixing supper, taking the garbage can out to the curb, and feeding the Girls, I spent most of the evening on the couch.  I don't feel sick - was just tired.  I think the past months of being crazy busy at work has caught up with me. But I only have to deal with that for 204 more work days.   

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Trying Tuesday

 This has been a very trying Tuesday.  I can't really say it's been all that of a bad day - just trying, and also tiresome.  It's only 7:20 at night, but I'd like to go to bed right now and get a long sleep.  If only I could. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday, Monday

 I hope the first hour of my Monday doesn't set the tone for the rest of the day.  I committed a cardinal sin here in our house: I forgot to fix the coffee last night before I went to bed. 

Stay tuned for updates. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Covid 19 Update

 I went to the grocery this afternoon, and I would guess that I saw about 50% mask wearing.  It was definitely more than my trip to the grocery store last week.  

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Flashback Friday

 Note: I typed this post yesterday and thought I posted it but I didn't.  

For some reason this week, I thought of something that my Grandmother always had in her purse.  It was a short, little metal tube.  I think originally, it was intended to hold some dimes in case you needed to use a pay phone (which also could be the topic of another Flashback Friday post).  But instead, my Gram always had 3 or 4 Certs mints in it.  It had a little ring with a clasp, so you could put your house key or car key on it, or clip it to your purse, which she did.  

I was telling one of the SF's about this, and she said her Grandmother had one, too.  Except she kept old school saccharin tablets in hers. 

When Gram died and we went through her things, I would have given anything if we could have found that little metal thing; I would have kept it forever. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Isn't It Ironic

 This is a big day in the history of my family.  It is the anniversary of Grandma and Grandpa Puckett, aka Clara and Cliff (the Old Man's parents).  And it is the birthday of my Sweet Mother.  

And on this day, my boss is getting married.  I hope this day will bring her blessings.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

More Peace In The Valley, Bigtime

 I was exposed to some coworkers last Friday who tested positive for Covid on Saturday.  So all weekend I kept deciding if I should get tested or not.  I had no symptoms, but all I could think about was keeping the Old Man Safe.  So I made an appointment and was tested today during my lunch break.  By the time I got back to work, I had an email saying I had tested negative.  Thank you so much, Lord.  Nuff said. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Peace In The Valley

 It sure was peaceful in my department at work yesterday.  My boss is out for two weeks for her wedding and honeymoon, and her boss is out for two weeks quarantining.  Yep, it sure was peaceful. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday, Monday

 As a dear friend's great-granddaughter would say when she messed in her pants, it was a shitty mess today.  

It started off driving to work in a downpour.  Then once at work, the problems started and it continued until time to go home at 4:30.  

At least I won't have to deal with any BS in the office tomorrow - I am working from home.  The Old Man has a cardiologist appointment at 10:40, so with it being in the almost-middle of the day, I decided to work from home before and after the appointment.  But I am sure I will deal with BS via email, the phone, or Microsoft Teams tomorrow.  At least I won't be going into it blind sided. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Super Saturday

 Even though I was frustrated with losing my downloaded music from my iPhone after last week's iOS update, it still turned out to be a super Saturday.  

The Old Man treated me to dinner at my favorite restaurant, The Bristol.  Let me say that their always awesome Green Chili Wontons and Artichoke Fritter were the highlight of my meal.  The Old Man had his first Hot Brown and he said he'd order it again.  Unbeknownst to me at the time, I had the Bristol Burger with blue cheese on it.  When we got home last night, I was looking on FB and discovered that yesterday was National Cheeseburger Day! 

I would have been happy to go up to Frisch's and eat, with the say the Old Man is walking and feeling so much better.  So I was a little surprised when he called me at work Friday and said he wanted us to go there.  I made sure to drive home a different way so he could see more scenery, and I think his neck was sore when we got home from his head turning from side to side to look out the windows.  

But all in all, it sure was a super Saturday.  And I'm looking forward to an equally super Sunday.

Stay tuned. 

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Another Bad Week With Electronics

 I connected my newish iPhone to my computer last night to do a backup.  At least I thought I was doing a backup.  When I checked on my phone, almost all of my music was gone; the only songs on there were ones I had purchased from the iTunes store.  I spent an hour last night trying (key word) to get it to sync with my iTunes library but it didn't work.

I'm up fairly early for a Saturday and am trying (key word) once again to get my songs back.  

Stay tuned. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

Winter Is Coming

 I had to run an errand during lunch break yesterday, and on my way back to work I spotted the first pair of winter time Ugg Boots.  They were worn by a late teens/early twenties girl.  Never mind the temperture at the time was 86 degrees.  Maybe she knows something we don't know? 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Question Of The Day

 Why is it that the last hour or two of your sleep is always the best?  If any of you, faithful readers, has an explanation, please share it with the rest of us.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Apologies, Again

 I apologize once again, faithful readers, for not posting regularly.  And once again, I've been distracted.  Nothing is bad wrong - just distracted thinking about the possibility of a future pretty big home project.  I've also been distracted thinking about a few close friends going through some very rough times right now. 

Stay tuned. 

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I Did Forget

 Forgetting dates and appointments is something that I just do not do.  I have my old school planner book that is up-to-date with all I need to know, and I even have a separate pocket calendar that I keep in my purse where I write down the days off that my coworkers in my department have scheduled, so I can refer to that when we schedule doctors appointments for the Old Man.  But today, I sure did forget.  

I was glad I checked email this morning as soon as I got up, because the Louisville Bats emailed me to remind me that today's game is at 1:00 instead of 7:00.  

I WIll Never Forget

 Social media is full of stories, pictures, and remembrances today of 9/11.  I honestly don't see how anyone could forget that day.  

I was at my desk in the Purchasing department at work when my Sweet Mother called me to tell me about the plane hitting the first tower.  As we were talking on the phone, she stopped talking mid-sentence, and then her next words were "Oh dear God - another plane hit the other tower."  We talked for a couple more minutes, and told each other "I love you" and then I went to join coworkers who were scared and praying. It wasn't long till we got word that the Pentagon had been hit by a plane, and that a fourth plane had crashed in Pennsylvania.  We didn't have internet access so we couldn't get up-to-date info, but somehow my boss had found a small portable TV and he had it on his office.  I remember vividly watching with a few coworkers, and all of us gasping when we saw the two towers fall.  

Maybe an hour later, I was walking back from out in the plant, honestly thinking "is today going to be the end of the world?" When I got back to my desk, I had a voicemail message from the Old Man, telling me that he and my Sweet Mother were meeting our pastor and his wife at church, and would have it open in case anyone wanted to stop in to pray. 

Today, as we remember, I think we all need to stop in and pray.  

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 The Old Man and I were both tuckered out tonight, because we dozed off and on most of the time this evening.  And that's OK.  There's no napping rules here at The Compound.

Work was crazy busy again today, and with the latest hurricane moving inland, I'm sure we'll stay busy for a while.  But as of today, there are only 217 more work days (not including vacation days) that I will have left before I retire.  For that, I am thankful. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wishful Wednesday

 Yesterday was one of the busiest days I've had at work in months.  I started working 15 minutes before it was official clock-in time, and worked through lunch, too.  We're selling lots of pumps now, thanks to all of the rain we've had.  Add to that the fact that the parts shortages makes it a scheduler's nightmare.  Today, I am hoping and wishing for an easier day.

Stay tuned.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Happy Labor Day

 TWIT and I would like to wish you, faithful readers, a very happy Labor Day. 

I did more than my share of laboring in the past week, so I haven't done much laboring all weekend.  And other than getting some hamburgers going, I don't plan on doing much laboring the rest of the day. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

COvid 19 Update

 I write this post with a heavy heart.  This morning, we lost another dearl friend to Covid.  Big Lewis gave it a good fight over the past three weeks, but the virus was too strong.  He was a mountain of a man, and next to me, gave the best hugs ever.   For years and years, he performed in the Stephen Foster Story singing 'Old Man River".  And sang for all of his life.  

For some reason, he always called The Old Man "Governor".  And I can remember vividly he was at our home and made Gram laugh.  I can still hear his big ole laugh.  And I know he's probably up in heaven right now making Gram laugh.

RIP, Lewis.  You left quite a legacy.  Your work on earth is done.  

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Covid 19 Update

 Tonight, we have two friends that are in the hospital fighting the Covid virus.  And people still don't believe that the virus is a real thing.  

There are no words.  

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wishful Wednesday

Work was crazy busy today.  I was just thankful that I only have 221 more work days to come into that place.  And that is not counting vacation days.  For that, I am truly thankful.

I'm distracted once again, faithful readers.  I've been dealing with something here at The Compound that is taking all of my attention.  And add to that, I am dealing with a situation with an old friend who is going through some major, major stuff right now. 

It's times like these that I would like to either run away or just hide in my bedroom.  But neither of those things are an option.

The thing I'm dealing with here at The Compound is probably insignificant in the whole scope of things, but it bothers me nonetheless.  It will get cleared up eventually.

The situation with my friend is what is really troubling me.  All I can say is stay tuned.