Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008 Review

I know I'm a day late, but what originally started out as just another Sunday afternoon morphed into one of the best Easters that my family and I have celebrated. 

We originally thought we would just have a low-key lunch on Easter Sunday and then just do what we normally do on Sunday afternoons.  But Mom decided to call our friend Lenora on Friday and asked her if she'd like to come home with us after church for Easter dinner.  Needless to say she jumped at the invitation, even though her beloved U of L Cardinals were playing in later in the afternoon.  We picked her up after church, and were pleasantly surprised to find her decked out in U of L colors.  Before she even had her seat belt buckled, we assured her that we would have her home long before the 5:00 tip off time of the game. 

Saturday afternoon, we then decided to give Diva Stacy a call and invite her and her kids to have dinner with us and Lenora, since her husband has to work on Sundays and wouldn't be home until 6:00 or so.  She jumped at the invitation, too. 

Dinner was great as usual, and Dad and I couldn't get over how much Diva Stacy's kids L and G had taken a shine to Lenora.  The three of them talked non-stop all afternoon.  After dinner, the kids were busy with their MP3 players and us adults were chatting, when Mom had an idea.  She went down to the basement to see if she could find the garbage bag full of plastic Easter eggs to go and hide outside for the kids.  Once she brought them up from the basement, the adults started digging in purses, pockets and wallets for spare change to put in the eggs.  With us on a healthier eating plan here at The Compound, candy was pretty scarce, but we did manage to find some individally wrapped Lifesavers to put in some of the eggs. 

Mom, Diva Stacy and I went outside to hide the eggs while L and G kept Lenora entertained, and then the egg hunt began.  I don't know who had more fun - the adults or the two kids.  At one point during the backyard egg hunt, I heard G yell "This is awesome."  I had to agree with him.  This was definitely one of the best Easters we've had at The Compound, thanks to our extended family.

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