Tuesday, February 6, 2007

New Product Review

They say that confession is good for the soul - so it's time to confess:  I'm a sucker for something new.  You know from reading TWIT for two and a half years that I will buy the latest greatest electronic or computer gadget as soon as it comes out, and I will try a new grocery item as soon as it's on the shelves.  Well, let me be the first to say I was suckered in yesterday afternoon at the grocery store.  I stopped by the local grocery on my way home from work to pick up some staples - Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and some Spicy Hot V-8.  But on my way to the Little Debbie display something caught my eye in the produce section: Grapple.  I had to stop and look.  At first glance, it was four apples in a little plastic container.  But the label said "Looks like an apple - tastes like a grape."  My first thought was "WTF?"  I picked up the container, and immediately tossed it into the grocery cart.   I had to try this and see if it was true.  They looked like normal Fiji apples, but I was just sure that the advertising would be true.

We waited until lunch today to test the Grapple.  We'd finished our main courses, and then I pulled the Grapple out of my lunch bag and sliced it up for me and my dining companion SH to try.  We sniffed the Grapple at first and sure enough it smelled just like grape.  Then we had the taste test.  We took a couple of bites before voicing our opinions.  Nope, no grape taste.  It tasted simply like a very sweet apple.  Let me backtrack and say before I cut the Grapple, we examined it thoroughly for any little spots where, let's say, a hypodermic needle could have injected grape flavoring into the Grapple.  There were none to be seen.  If they juiced it up with grape flavoring, then they were very careful to cover their tracks.

We ate the rest of the Grapple, unimpressed.  Once back at my desk after lunch, I called home to see how the 'rents liked their Grapple.  They both said the same thing - it tasted like a plain old sweet apple.  The Old Man said he was positive they simply  injected it with grape flavoring, but he ate his Grapple any way because fruit is good for you.

This leaves me in a quandry, faithful readers.  I can't really give the Grapple the TWIT Seal Of Approval, nor can I give it a Thumbs Down.  I guess you'll just have to try it for yourself and see what you think. 

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