Sunday, February 18, 2007

Link Of The Week

I'll admit that when I was younger (much younger) I used to read the National Enquirer.  I loved to read the latest celebrity gossip, and to be honest, I still do.  Before I saw the light, I believed every word it said.  Now that I'm older and wiser, I never even pick up a copy of The Enquirer while standing in the grocery store checkout lines; instead I now have the internet to supply my daily fix of celebrity gossip and propaganda.  But now, it's not so much the written or printed gossip and news that I enjoy so much - I love to see celebrity photos.  Take for instance, one of my recent faves was a photo taken of Brittney Spears as she was walking into a gas station bathroom barefoot.  But I digress. If you'd like to get the latest celebrity news and photos, please check out  You heard this first in TWIT, faithful readers - if you can visit right now you'll be able to get the news and see the pictures just taken of Brittney Spears' shaved head.  I know that's something you won't want to miss.

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