Thursday, January 17, 2008

Inflation Hits Home

For the past few weeks, you can't turn on the TV, open the newspaper or get online without seeing the depressing prophesies about an upcoming recession.  According to the news people, the standard newspaper definition of a recession is a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters. With the increase in the price of oil and the housing market, I'd say we've been in a recession for quite some time now.  Those are good indicators,  but I've got more irreputable proof that we're in recessionary times: the price of World's Finest candy bars has increased by 25%.  Yep, they've gone from a buck to $1.25.  If that's not the sign of a recession, well I don't know what is.

Just yesterday, a co-worker emailed us all and said she had a couple boxes of the always popular World's Finest chocolate bars for sale for her kids' school.  She was brave and informed us of the price increase in the email, mainly so we'd have the right amount of money when we trudged up the two flights of stairs to her cube to buy one.  I'm guessing that the candy bar sales will go all right this year.  We pay over three bucks for a gallon of gas now and don't even flinch, so maybe we'll fork over an extra quarter for a World's Finest. 

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