Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another Myth Busted


A couple of weeks ago, my inbox was bombarded with emails about an apparent "new concept" about the gas tank fill-up holes on our cars.  On the dashboard when the "you need gas" light comes on, the gas pump icon is the indicator as to which side of the car our gas tank is on.  If the pump icon's gas nozzle is on the left side of the pump, then that's supposed to mean your gas tank fill-up hole is on the left side of your car; if the pump icon's gas nozzle is on the right side of the pump, then that's supposed to mean your gas tank fill-up hole is on the right side of your car.  The people that forwarded that email to me were for certain that it was the truth.  I'm here to tell you that it isn't.  Well, on half of my cars it isn't true.

The BMW's little gas pump icon has the nozzle on the right, and true to form my gas tank fill-up hole is on the right.  But on my Blazer, the gas pump icon has the nozzle on the right, yet my gas tank fill-up hole is on the left.  So the supposed email isn't always true.  I didn't check it at Snopes or any of the other legitimate myth buster sites, simply because I didn't care.  But tonight when I drove the Blazer and stopped to fill up with gas, I noticed the little gas pump icon and thought about the email. So once again, TWIT is providing a public service announcement, and reports that that forwarded email ain't necessarily so. 

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