Monday, February 13, 2006

Puddin: 1, Refrigerator: 0

The current battle of Refrigerator Wars ended abruptly Friday evening at 4:35.  Armed with an iron will and aided by my friend and co-worker AF, I met the refrigerator head-on.  It only took us about 10 minutes.  It would have taken less than that, but we checked expiration dates on unopened yogurt and fruit cups.  One expiration date simply said "November."  After much discussion, we couldn't figure out if it meant November 2005 or November 2006.  Our motto was "when in doubt, throw it out" so in the garbage can it went. 

Another co-worker suggested that we get a digital camera and take a picture of the interesting things that we threw out, but there wasn't that many unusual or bizarre things this round.  There were two items, however, that did cause us both to gag. Let me give you some background - with the gross things that are talked about and dealt with at work (namely, poop) please know that it takes alot to gross any of us out.  But AF and I honestly did gag over these two things.  The first, and least gross, was a sandwich that was completely covered in dark green fur.  The second, and the grossest, could only be described this way:  it looked like a squashed frog inside a Ziploc bag.  Nuff said. 

I had a few emails today from co-workers, thanking me for cleaning out the fridge, and commenting on how nice it was to be able to put their lunches in there without having to use a crowbar.  We'll see how long it takes before it's jam-packed again.  I'll keep you posted.


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