The latest mullet sighting is brought to us by my friend SDF. She spotted this mullet at church. This is another first for Mullet Watch - our first sighting at church. Here's the story, in her own words:
I had a laugh out loud moment in church yesterday as I spotted a mullet. Joe and I were sitting in the balcony and this "older guy" guy was sitting below us on the main floor. His mullet was full grey and the most interesting part was that he had the top of it obviously moussed/gelled and teased so that it was sticking straight up. He was otherwise dressed decenlty--khaki pants and a long sleeved dress shirt.
Mullet count: 15
Editor's note: I'm kinda bummed that I haven't received any reports of mullet sightings at this weekend's Carl Casper's Custom Auto Show. Maybe next year.
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