Thursday, February 9, 2006

I've Been Attacked

I met a friend for dinner last night, and ran an errand for Mom before I met my friend at the restaurant.  I went into the drugstore, found what Mom needed, and was in and out in less than 10 minutes.  Imagine my surprise when I got to the car and noticed that I'd been attacked.  I think that every bird in Jefferson county had some serious digestive system issues yesterday afternoon and they all decided to take it out on my just-washed BMW.  Not just on the hood of the car, but on the roof, the sides, and on the trunk.  If you ask me, I think they were just hiding in near-by trees, just waiting for an opportunity to punk me.  And punk me they did. 

I believe it was an act of vengeance.  For you see, yesterday morning on the way to work, I hit a blackbird.  It wasn't a premedicated murder - just an accidental death.  The bird was in the middle of Cane Run Road along with a few of his cronies, pecking at an old hamburger that someone threw out.  His cronies managed to fly away to safety, but he didn't.  From that moment on, I knew I was a marked woman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, sounds like this was a well planned retaliation attack.  A hit.  Good thing it's winter, because if I were you I think I'd leave the sunroof closed for awhile, til this thing blows over.