Wednesday, March 31, 2010

File Under: WOW

I read an interesting article in the WSJ today. It was about a restaurant in Springfield, Illinois that serves a whopper of a sandwich called a horseshoe sandwich. It's aptly named because the sandwich it about as big in diameter and circumference as a horseshoe for a Clydesdale horse. The horseshoe sandwich is served mainly in the Springfield area, where it originated. It's basically a huge open-faced sandwich with french fries on top and then the whole thing is covered in a cheese sauce. You can see a picture of an "ordinary" horseshoe sandwich in the picture on the left. But the restaurant in the article takes the artery-clogging one step further. Instead of using bread on the sandwich, they put the meat (hamburger patties) and french fries on top of a huge tortilla, roll it up, deep fry it and then smother it in cheese sauce. They call it a"Shoe Burrito" and it's estimated to be about 2800 calories - the equivalent of five Big Macs.
All I can say about it is wow.
We've talked about this all day long in the cubicle at work. At the end of the day, a general consensus was 75% said they would try it, while 25% timid souls said they would not. As for me, I'm in the "don't try" side. As you already know, I don't like my foods like this all mixed together. But with all the hype about the horseshoe sandwich, I could probably be coerced into trying it.

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