Monday, December 15, 2008

Mullet Watch

It's been cold, so I guess that the mullets have been stay indoors away from our watchful eyes. But just days ago, I spotted not one but two mullets at the same time. After doing some quick research in the TWIT archives, I'm proud to report that we have another first in Mullet Watch: I spotted a mother and daughter mullet duo. They were spotted Thursday night in the parking lot of our local 'hood Wal-Mart putting groceries in their mini-van. It was dark, and I saw them from a distance so I couldn't get a real look at the color of the mullets, but just from looking at the age difference of the mullets hosts, I reasoned that they were mother and daughter. Plus, they looked a bit alike. They were equal opportunity local sport fans - the daughter was wearing a U of L coat while the mother was sporting a UK coat.

Mullet count: 28

Note: we've just got a couple of weeks left before the year ends and we start over on the mullet count for the new year. Last year in 2007, we spotted 32 mullets. We're just a few away, faithful readers. Everyone be on the lookout for the mullets in the coming days while you're out shopping. I know we can find some more.


Toots said...

I saw an incredible mullet the other day. The head was shaved down to peach fuzz all over...except in the back where a distinct line was drawn. There, the peach fuzz ended and the 15 inch mullet began. Although it was very cold outside, the host sported a tank top and jeans. It was scary.

Puddin said...

Awesome!! That brings us to a total of 29 mullets spotted for the year.