Saturday, December 6, 2008

Silly Saturday

I don't feel like I've had a day off. I was up at my normal time this morning at 6:45 and headed in to work. Yep, I had to work today. It's the end of the year, and that can only mean one thing for us in the manufacturing gig -- inventory. Believe me when I tell you I did not want to haul it out of my warm bed this a.m. and go out in to the cold and blowing snow to go to work. Well, the blowing snow didn't come until a few hours later, and we only had a dusting, but it did snow today nonetheless.

I ran a couple of errands on my way home this afternoon, and then I just wanted to come home and take a nap. But first, the 'Rents and I bundled up and headed to our friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart to find a present for the California Relatives. I won't tell what we picked out, in case the California Relatives are reading this, but let me just say it's extremely cool, and it's something that I would use if they gave it to me.

After our quick shopping trip I was able to take my beloved nap. It was sweet getting to sleep in the middle of the afternoon - something that you ordinarily don't get to do when you work during the day. But then again, that doesn't stop some of my co-workers. But I digress. My nap was nice, albeit short, but I did get to sleep for awhile before we bundled up once again and headed out to our favorite Italian restaurant for supper. Now we're in for the evening as it's getting colder, and hopefully the most stressful decision I'll have to make the rest of the night is what flavor of tea I'll have later.

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