Monday, December 1, 2008

Are They Trying To Tell Me Something?

I believe our spam filters aren't working very well at work - over the past few weeks, my in-box has been jammed full of emails about buying penny stocks, fake Rolex watches and skin care products that are guranteed to eliminate blemishes and erase wrinkles. Amid all of these emails, one spam email in particular caught my attention. In fact, I've received this email three times in the past week. The subject line reads "Do you know all your birth control options?" and goes on to ask the riveting question "What birth control methods are okay for a woman in her mid-forties to use?"

I know that spammers use cookies, spyware and other methods to ensure that their spam gets to your in-box, but how in the world did they know that I am 1) a woman, and 2) in my mid-forties? Should I feel vioated? Should I worry about my identity being stolen? More importantly, should I worry about not knowing all of my birth control options?

In case you're wondering, the email said that women in their forties can use any form of birth control. Whew - I feel better now. Believe me when I tell you that the form of birth control that I am currently using is truly 100% effective. In fact, if I do become pregnant, you can start looking up in the sky for the star in the east.

1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Well you're spammers are smarter than mine, for the want to make parts of my body (which I don't have~lol) harder, longer. Then I get the weight loss things, but they do get that right, lose 20 pounds over night....wish it worked. But back to the watches, I had 4 in my home email today.....guess I need to get one.