Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas Eve

As I type this, I'm sitting here in front of the computer trying to dry out. We've had non-stop monsoons since yesterday evening. The winds have been about 20-30 mph during the continuous rain, and I didn't sleep at all last night for the rain hitting my window. So as Grandma would have said, I didn't get my nap out. But it's Christmas Eve today - and for me that means an annual trip to an old friend's house for coffee and cookies with her family. It's a Christmas Eve tradition - I go over at about noon every Christmas Eve and the adults have coffee while the kids have hot chocolate, and we all have a blast listening to the kids talk about Santa coming. Well, for their sake, I hope Santa wears some goggles tonight and has windshield wipers on his sleigh, because we've got storms, wind, and lots of rain in the forecast for this afternoon and tonight. To and from my friends' home, there was water covering roads, and in two locations MSD had closed the road due to high standing water. Great. And we're heading downtown later this afternoon for the Christmas Eve service at church. We probably should take the boat instead of the Odyessy.

On my way home from my friends' home, I called The Compound to see if they needed anything. Unfortunately for me, Mom said she would like some bananas for another holiday tradition: fruit salad. Only for my Mother would I brave the grocery store on Christmas Eve afternoon in the middle of a rain storm. The store was packed, but I was able to get my bananas and a bottle of Christmas Red nail polish and get in and out of the store in less than ten minutes -- that's a record for Christmas Eve.

I have an hour before I need to get ready for church, so I'm going to partake in yet another holiday tradition at The Compound: a nap. I deserve it.

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