Saturday, December 13, 2008

Way To Go, Work Friends

TWIT would like to publicly congratulate three of my work friends (WFs) for a job well done in their college courses. First of all, let me reiterate calling them "work friends" instead of "co-workers" because, well, they're more than just co-workers to me - they're my friends. That having been said, on with the accolades. I'll list them in alphabetical order, as to not purposely give one top billing instead of another.

First of all, way to go AK for getting an A in your Psychology class. You worked hard this semester and you busted your ass with your heavy class load. I tried to help her when she asked me to explain a few things, but I admit I was a bit rusty on my cognitive development theories. But she got an A in the class anyway.

Second, TWIT would like to congratulate JW for only missing 4 questions out of 100 on his final in Astronomy. It was a challenging class for him, with class one night, followed by a lab the next night and that followed by a night in the planetarium. But he endured and aced the final. After looking through his textbook before his first class, I told him he was SOL if he was counting on me to help him through this. I think I did more harm than good when I helped him get ready for his first test, but he made it through. Things are looking up for next semester - he's taking Microeconomics - a class that yours truly happened to get an A in (in undergrad and in graduate school, I proudly add) and I might actually remember a few things if he needs some help.

Last but certain not least, way to go KB, aka Krazy K (I'll give an explanation later). She got a perfect score on her research paper in International Business. When we talked with her a few weeks ago, she was still trying to come up with a topic for her paper -- she had to give a recommendation on something that could be imported to Italy. Well, she talked to the right people - we gave her a suggestion to import pumps to Italy, and it was a hit. She did the research and found out that Italy has major flooding, drainage and sewage issues. We're going to see if we can talk the Marketing department in to sending she and I to Italy to drum up some pump business. I'll let you know how that works out.

Now for why we call her Krazy K - on Halloween, she and the rest of the ladies in the Accounting department were dressed up as a gang. But not just any gang, mind you - they weren't dressed like the Bloods or Crips; they were dressed in green and were "Gang Green." Get it? Gangrene? So since then, we joke about gangs and gangstas, and JW gave her the gang knickname Krazy K. And while we're talking about her, I'd like to welcome her as my newest faithful reader. Thanks for taking the time to read TWIT.

Let me say once again how proud I am of you three. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I commend any adult that goes back to school while holding down a full-time job. I commend them even more for going back to school and having a spouse and kids to deal with, too. I was single and went to college and it was hard to do it while working; I cannot imagine how you three do it while dealing with spouses and kids. But you do, and TWIT and I are very proud of you. Keep up the great work.

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