Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

After much anguish, stress, anxiety and a dozen other emotions I won't even mention, I'm happy to report that a few hours ago the factory workers at work voted and finally accepted their new three year contract. So barring any unforseen problems, us office people are safe from having to work in the factory during a strike. It's been a rough three weeks, let me tell you. We've all been nerved up at work, and unfortunately have had to endure comments and being grilled almost daily by factory workers. Not just because it's my department, but us Production Scheduling folk had more than our share. Mainly it's because we work more closely with the people out in the plant than other departments, plus we're physically out there walking through the factory more than other people in the company, too. But it's over for another three years thank goodness. And the truth be told, I think we have my Mother to thank. For you see, she made a cake for me to take in and give to the guys out in the factory that work on the assembly lines that I schedule. And she said today would be the perfect day to let them eat cake. While they were still disgruntled over their new contract, they all were happy that I brought them cake today. Who knows? Maybe it sweetened them up enough for them to vote to accept the contract. Anyhoo, Mom said she'd keep on cranking out the cakes every so often for me to take in to keep them in a good mood. Whatever it takes, right?

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