Sunday, November 30, 2008

Link Of The Week

If you're anything like me, you're sick to death of hearing about Black Friday. Personally, I wish they'd never came up with that phrase. But I digress. Black Friday is over [thank goodness] and now we have Cyber Monday to look forward to. In case you're not hip on that one, tomorrow is supposed to be the busiest day of the holiday shopping season for online shopping. I'm sure that companies all across America are dreading tomorrow because they know that a lot of their employees will be online shopping instead of working tomorrow.

If you can sneak in some online shopping tomorrow at work, make sure that you get the best deal possible, and don't forget to check for free shipping. Do a quick Google search for the website you're shopping from to see if you can find a free shipping promo code. Or better yet, check out Visit and you'll find over 850 retailers that offer free shipping in some shape or form. Good luck with your online shopping tomorrow - I hope your boss won't catch you.

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