Monday, November 17, 2008

Sorry About Your Luck, Barack

I read something today that really made me feel sorry for President-Elect Obama - I read that he's going to have to give up his beloved Blackberry when he takes the office of President. From what I read, Obama uses his Blackberry all the time; his aides said he's almost addicted to it. But before he takes up residence at the White House, he will probably be forced to sign off. In addition to concerns about email security, he faces the Presidential Records Act, which puts his correspondence in official public record, and also faces the threats of subpoenas. He said he hopes to have a laptop computer on his desk in the Oval Office, but his aides and advisors say that probably won't happen.

This raises an issue that I've never thought about -- the President of the United States not having a computer, much less being able to email. I guess I just never thought of this before - I just assumed that the President would have a computer and be able to get online and check out whatever he wanted to. Boy was I wrong.

Just think - the President isn't able to send emails out to everyone in his email address book. He's not able to send an email telling his friends to forward the email to ten of their friends or else they'll get back luck and be run over by a semi the next time they cross the streets. He's not able to forward an email to his friends assuring them that his brother-in-law's aunt's cousin's neighbor is a lawyer and they said it was true that they would receive a $100 gift card from Applebee's. He's not going to be able to forward the email about Penny the little redhaired girl that was kidnapped and last seen in a Chevy Astro mini-van. He's not going to be able to receive the inevitable email link to the 2008 version of elf bowling, either. Worst of all, he's not going to be able to follow TWIT. Maybe he can sneak off to a public library and get on one of the computers there.