Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Legend Of Tall Nancy

According to the MSN homepage, in the past few months we've had another rash of bigfoot sightings here in the U.S. And now with winter fast approaching I'm sure we'll be hearing of Yeti sightings in the Himalayas. Locally, others and I have spotted a local legend: Tall Nancy. I never could remember her last name, and apparently neither can anyone else, either, because we all refer to her as Tall Nancy.

The Legend of Tall Nancy started back in the 1950's - Tall Nancy worked with my mother at Brown and Williamson. When B&W closed their Louisville operation in the early 80's, Tall Nancy went to work at National Processing Company (NPC). Imagine my surprise when I started working at NPC, none other than Tall Nancy was working in my department. I ask you - what are the odds of that happening - Tall Nancy working with both my mother and I? But that just scratches the surface on the Legend of Tall Nancy. She also attends church with my best friend Diva Stacy's father, and a few of Diva Stacy's in-law kinfolk also know Tall Nancy.

But there's more to the Legend than that. Tall Nancy has been known to pop up anywhere - I've seen her at the grocery store, at concerts, while Christmas shopping, and even while making visits to the hospital or funeral home. Everytime I've seen her, she's always been the same - always a smile on her face, and the first words out of her mouth are "How's your mama?"

Tall Nancy is a great lady, and was a great friend to my mom and to Diva Stacy's dad. Who knows? Maybe we should start a "Tall Nancy Watch" in TWIT.

1 comment:

Toots said...

I also see Tall Nancy picking up her grandchild who goes to the same school as my children!! Small world, Tall Nancy.