Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sentimental Saturday

It's been a weird Saturday for me.  I've been very sentimental all day long.  First of all, I was up at 7:30 this morning.  That in itself is weird enough, given the fact I usually sleep in until 9:00 or 9:30.  I didn't sleep well last so I was ready to get up this morning; I was worried about a friend who had a tree fall on her SUV last night during the bad storms.  I just heard from her a few minutes ago, and there was no damage to her SUV, thank goodness.  But anyhoo, I was up early and decided to use my time wisely and went for my daily bike ride this morning before it got hot and before the storms came.  It was one of the nicest bike rides I've had since I started.  I purposely didn't bring my iPod and instead of listening to music this morning I thought and reflected. 

I first thought about my friend who was nervously waiting for her landlord to saw up the tree that was on top of her car so she could see if her car was damaged.  I can truly empathize with her on that one.  About ten years ago, I was at school in my first semester back as I was working on my Bachelor's Degree, and a tornado came through and blew down a gigantic tree on the campus.  The tree landed on my Blazer and 6 other cars.  The Blazer was at the body shop for almost three weeks getting repaired. But it could have been worse.  I vividly remember the night and morning after the tree fell, still not knowing the extent of the damage on my car.  I was a nervous wreck. 

As I rode on, I started thinking about myself, and how lucky I am to have parents and a best friend who love me unconditionally.  I know that sounds sappy, but I spent quite a bit of time this morning reflecting on that.  Then later on this morning, I thought about how lucky and blessed I am for my health, as I was thinking about a dear friend who is not only going for chemo treatments right now, but who is having to go to the hospital every day for two weeks to get antibiotics to treat an infection she has as a result of the chemo port in her arm. 

When I got back home from running some errands earlier, I laid down on the bed to take a nap, and even though I felt exhausted, I couldn't sleep; my mind was still racing and I was thinking too much and still feeling sentimental.  ThenI decided that wasn't such a bad feeling after all.

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