Friday, June 20, 2008

Flashback Friday


When I was a kid, my second home was at the Jones' house.  I thought it was so cool that they had a refrigerator and a freezer down in their basement.  In the freezer, Mrs. Jones always had a ton of the awesome Pop Ice frozen treats.  In case you're having a mid-life moment and don't remember, Pop Ice treats were simply frozen flavored popsicles in a tube instead of on a stick.  They were cheap, so our parents could afford them no matter how much (or how little) money they made.  Anyhoo, Mrs. Jones always had a bunch in her freezer just for me; mainly because I was the only kid in the neighborhood that was allowed to go to her house to play.  She was my second grandmother, and treated me like a princess.  She knew I loved Pop Ice so she always had a freezer full of them for me. 

Now that I'm all grown up, the circle of life has come back around.  Last summer, the 'Rents watched our neighbors' grandkids two days a week for the summer, and after the first week or two, I noticed that our freezer had an abundance of Pop Ice treats.  Mom made a comment about how much the kids loved them, and how they didn't care that they weren't an expensive treat like one you'd have to peel for from the ice cream truck.  Interestingly enough, the grandparents of the kids they watched live in the house that the Jones' lived in.  Like I said, life comes full circle.


Anonymous said...

I call the red ones!!!!

My kids love them too.

Anonymous said...

we give pop ice to kids whenever the temp in the classrooms exceeds 80 degrees on the inside of the building.  tomorrow will prolly be a pop ice day :D