Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad

TWIT would like to wish a very happy 50th anniversary to my 'Rents.  Yep, fifty years ago today they were married.  And just five years later, I came along.  But I digress.

In an age where half of the marriages end in divorce, being married for fifty years is quite an accomplishment.  I truly admire any couple that has been married for fifty years. It may sound cliche or sappy, but my parents said one thing they've done for the past fifty years is to never go to bed mad -- at each other or at me.  I asked them tonight if there have been any nights when they had to stay up late or never went to bed at all because they were mad and they said no; they always worked through whatever made them mad and were able to get a good night's sleep. That's advice we can all use. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your parents!  I agree, not many go for the long haul.  My grandparents, even though it was her second managed more than 60 years together!  God's blessings on your parents!