Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Sad Weekend

I'm very bummed this weekend.  Ordinarily I would have been looking forward to the first weekend in June, but not this year.  This was the weekend of the first local Catholic church picnic, but due to mergers between parishes, we no longer have St. Clements Catholic church's picnic on the first weekend in June.  They merged with 3 other local Catholic churches, who will also no longer have picnics. 

St. Clements picnic was the unofficial first picnic of the season for the southwest part of the county.  It started on Thursday evening with ride night for the kids and on Friday they opened up the game booths for the adults and the place would be packed when the picnic ended at midnight Saturday. 

The local Catholic church picnics were a blast - you could eat some brats and have a cold beer while visiting with old friends that you normally only see during the picnic season.  You could even win some money or very cool things at the booths, too.  A few years ago, I won a very cool pink sequin hat, and Mom won a country ham.  You can't get much cooler than that.

This year, the only picnic I'm looking forward to is held next weekend.  I enjoy that picnic so much because they have quarter bingo that is played inside in the rectory kitchen in air conditioned comfort.  At least I won't be sitting out in the heat and humidity as I spend money. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember enjoying church pic nics as a young girl.  I feel so disconnected because we have not found a home church.  I would love to get more involved.  I miss the fellowship, and looks like I will miss church tomorrow because I committed myself to a wedding meeting.  God Bless.