Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Farm Living Is Not The Life For Me

I read an interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal about how young families and single people are just up and leaving their homes and jobes and moving to farms. The article said that with the recession there has been a trend of young people wanting to get out of the rat race and adopt a more self-reliant lifetyle. The article went on to say that while urban and suburban real estate is still not selling well, the rural market has been booming. So the younger folks are leaving the cities and heading out to the farms. I've tried the farming thing, and believe me when I tell you it was far from the peaceful lifestyle that the people in the article are wanting.

My history of farming only came in two-week stints, once a year, but it was enough for me to know I was not cut out for farming. In case you don't remember, whenever the 'Rents would go on their annual trip to Canada, I would be left in charge of the donkeys and the garden while they were gone. Trust me - the donkeys fared much better than the garden did. I didn't mind picking the vegetables, but the watering was a different story. I hated having to wade out in the mud to move the sprinkler. Hated it. And in addition to leaving footprints in the mud where I tortted through the garden, I would usually end up trampling at leaast one plant.

The 'Rents haven't gone to Canada for the past two years. I'm sure that's just concidental.

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