Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Flashback

I spent Saturday afternoon out shopping with Dad. We had an awesome time, and I cherished every moment we spent together - from standing in the long ass line at Burlington Coat Factory to eating chili dogs at Dairy Queen. But I digress. During our afternoon of shopping, Dad mentioned a bigtime flashback tht I was aware of, yet it didn't really stand out to me -- using cash when you pay for something.

Yep, he's on to a big flashback here. Nowadays, people use their debit cards or their credit cards - the majority don't use cash like they used to. While we were in the lonnng line at Burlington, he spoke up and asked "How come they don't have a 'cash only' line here?" Good question, Dad. Good question.

I don't believe I ever went shopping with my 'Rents or Grandparents when they didn't pay cash for their items -- be it big ticket Christmas things or just everyday things. The only charge account they used was an account at the local Ottos Pharmacy, where Grandma and Grandpa got their prescriptions. But that was it.

Granted, they didn't have debit cards back in the day, but they're just more convenient and safe now than going to the bank or credit union and drawing out a bunch of cash to carry around with you.

But my Dad was right. Hardly nobody uses cash anymore. I guess it is a thing of the past.

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