Friday, December 15, 2006

Pancho and Pedro Update

I've had some inquiries from you, my faithful readers, over the past few months asking about how Pancho and Pedro were doing.  With everything else going on, I'm afraid I've been remiss in posting about them.  They're doing great and are as silly as ever.  It's hard to believe they're 8 years old. 

Their favorite activity is still playing with their orange pylon cones.  They got new halters this fall because they tore their old ones to shreds, and I'm positive that Santa will bring them their favorite snack, animal crackers, on Christmas morning.  Here's a picture of them taken just moments ago.  Believe me when I say that it took about a half hour of maneuvering and fancy footwork to get just one usable shot.  That's Pancho in the front (with the white nose) and Pedro in the back (with the black nose.)

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