Sunday, December 31, 2006

Link Of The Week

Just about anyone who has been on a car roadtrip with their family has been forced to play countless games while travelling, in attempts to keep from getting on the driver's nerves.  I'm an only child, and when we went on vacations, it was just the 'rents and me, so they had to come up with things other than games to keep me entertained in the car, or else they would have to take turns playing the game with me.  But for those of you with siblings, I'm sure it was more entertaining on your roadtrips.  After License Plate Bingo got tired, Twenty Questions was always good for at least a half an hour.  I found an interesting site this week where you can play Twenty Questions online.  Visit and play a few games.  I played three games, and only won one of the games, so the 20q machine is pretty smart.  So before you go out partying this evening to say goodbye to 2006, take a few minutes to check out the game.   And have a safe, fun, and happy New Year's Eve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll have to check out the 20 Questions, Rock & Pop version I just got for Christmas.