Saturday, December 16, 2006

File Under: WTF?

I was in a very good mood this morning. I had all kinds of reasons to be happy: yesterday was payday and a vacation day; the 'Rents' holiday bash was a huge success last night; and I have a new, very hip hairdo for my company party tonight.  So I had more than enough reasons for my good mood.  Please note I've used "was" and "had" in past tense.  My mood changed when I read an article in the morning newspaper. The state of Florida has imposed a moratorium on executions.  Our friend Gov. Jeb Bush has suspended all executions in Florida after a medical examiner said that prison officials botched the insertion of the needles when a convicted killer was put to death earlier this week.  Wednesday's execution of Angel Nieves Diaz took 34 minutes - twice as long as usual - and required a rare second dose of lethal chemicals because the needles were inserted clear through his veins and into the flesh in his arms. The chemicals are supposed to go into the veins.   Officials said that after about 24 minutes after the first injection, Diaz was grimacing and blowing and trying to speak, indicating that he was suffering.  I'm sorry but boo-frigging-hoo.  I'm sure he wasn't concerned that the man he murdered suffered before he died. 

Apparently, Governor Bush and others are concerned because they think this might fall under the category of "cruel and unusual punishment."  I'm guessing that they think convicted murders who have received the death penalty should be given an easy, pain-free death as their punishment for murdering someone who probably didn't get to have an easy, pain-free death.   Protesters who want to abolish the death penalty were picketing around the prison where Diaz was put to death, saying that he didn't deserve to die in such an inhumane way.  The man that Diaz murdered didn't deserve to die that way, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dinner partner..............his is Duhba's brother, remember............the ruler of our kingdom.   And Jeb probably think he can step into Duhba's shoes.......well stupid is as stupid does (hell he probably can)