Sunday, December 3, 2006

Link Of The Week

Whether we are man or woman enough to admit, we all like to talk about ourselves, or to have someone ask us about ourselves.  It's just part of human nature.  Through out our daily conversations, we're usually able to throw in something like "I went to X restaurant last night and the service was excellent" or "I watched Y movie last night and it sucked" and people that we're talking with will usually ask us why we liked or didn't like whatever we're talking about.  I'm no different.  Only I take it a few OCD steps further - I'm a big lister.  I love making lists.  If someone were to ask me "Puddin, what's your favorite restaurant here in The 'Ville?", instead of saying my absolute favorite, I'm prone to giving them my top five.  It's just part of my human nature - I've been a big lister since I was a little kid. 

I found an awesome site this week that I wish I could take credit for developing - it's Fivelist.  It's basically a site where you can sign up and you can post your top five list of anything you want - movies, foods, things that really piss you off, etc etc etc.  The possibilities are limitless.  Just visit and sign up and you, too, can post your top five of anything.  And I know that "That's What I'm Thinking" is going to be at the #1 spot on everyone's Top Five Blogs. 

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