Sunday, April 2, 2006

Link Of The Week

It's pretty common knowledge that I love my techno gadgets.  It's also no secret that I love a good deal.  As I always say, life is too short to pay retail.  So I rarely do.  I usually get most of my electronic gadgets on eBay or other places online.  If you're in the market for anything in the electronics area - memory cards for your digital camera, iPods, thumb drives, a wireless router for your home network, or just about anything else you can think of, I've got the perfect site for you.  Go to and start your search. PriceSpider is a search engine that will do all of the shopping and searching work for you.  Just enter what you're looking for and PriceSpider will bring up a list of all of the places online where you can buy whatever it is you're looking for.  They list the etailer (I love using that word) and the current price, and include a link to the etailer's site so you can buy it right then if you want.  

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