Sunday, March 20, 2005

Link Of The Week

During the highly acclaimed Divas Las Vegas trip two years ago, Stacy and I began a trip ritual - writing down something interesting that we overhear.  When taken out of its context, it's pretty funny an often times makes no sense.  One of the more interesting things we overheard was during breakfast at Mr. Lucky's 24/7 at the Hard Rock Hotel.  Two business men were at a table to our right, and apparently they were talking about the previous night when one of the business-suited men said ". . . and I couldn't get her off of my lap."  Maybe he was talking bout his dog or fidgety child, but I don't think so.  After all - we were in Sin City.  I keep a running list of things overheard in a little notebook, and they will make for an interesting journal entry one day.  Until then, I've got an interesting site that deals with this very subject.  My new friend KGRamone sent me a link to this site appropriately called "Overheard In New York."  Just go to and you can read some funny and truly bizarre things that people overheard in New York City.  Most of the things overheard were overheard bypeople waiting for or on the bus or subway.  Some of these make the lap comment seem very tame by comparison.

Check out this site.  And be careful what you say - somebody is probably listening.

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