Saturday, April 14, 2007

Parking Lot Oddities

The 'rents and I had a very nice shopping trip at Meijers this afternoon.  In case you didn't know, it's our favorite mega open-twenty-four-hour store.  We endured a cold rain to get our supplies for the coming week (and to stock up on the 24 pack of bottled water on sale for $2.99 today only), and enjoyed family bonding.  I also stocked up on something new that Meijers just started carrying: Jelly Belly jelly beans.  They had a huge contraption that had 30 dispensers of the jelly beans.  I thought I had died and was standing at the gates of heaven.  I can't wait to try the A&W cream soda jelly beans. 

We were on our way back out to the Odyessy with our bags, when something odd caught our attention.  We had parked right next to the shopping cart corral, and there in the space between the van and the corral for the carts was a lone shopping cart.  Dad didn't say it out loud, but he had a major "WTF?" look on his face.  Like the person that put the cart there could not have walked five extra feet to put the cart inside the corral where it wouldn't roll into the side of someone's car.  Dad said "It's no wonder our part of the city can't have anything nice - people here are so sorry they can't even push a shopping cart five more feet to put it into the shopping cart corral." I couldn't have said it better.

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