Thursday, April 19, 2007

Now I Know I'm Having An Anxiety Attack

When we last spoke, I thought I was having an anxiety attack yesterday evening.  The club soda did the trick, and my stomach and nerves calmed down enough for me to take a nap before I got up and went to bed.  No, there was nothing in the club soda except club soda.  But my heartburn went away and I had a quasi-relaxing evening, and had been relaxed and calm up until about 3:30 this afternoon when the car repair shop called with the diagnosis and estimate on getting my Blazer fixed.  All I'll say is please be considerate and don't ask me how much.  It was a good thing I was sitting down when he told me or my co-workers would have been helping me up off of the floor. 

Diva Stacy did her best to talk me down, reminding me that a lump sum payment like this is still better than the alternatives a)having a car payment or b)not getting it fixed and walking.  When you put it like that, it didn't seem that bad after all.  Yeah right.  I told the shop owner to go ahead and fix it, and he said that the price he quoted me was the worst case scenario, and that there was a very good chance it would be cheaper.  He also said there was a good chance it would be finished by tomorrow evening; if it wasn't ready he said it would be drivable and I could pick it up after work so I could drive it downtown to the fireworks and game on Saturday and then drop it off Monday so they could finish it. 

After talking with Diva Stacy earlier, she truly did help talk me down from my ledge, and for a couple of hours I didn't even think about it.  But as I sit here and type, my stomach is churning once again and I'm starting to break out in a cold sweat.  I'll probably have to take a paper bag with me tomorrow so I can breathe into it tomorrow evening when I pay the shop.  I've never hyperventilated before so this might be a first.  I hope nobody there has a video camera or else the whole experience might end up on You Tube.

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