Wednesday, April 25, 2007

And I Didn't Have To Say One Word

Spring is in full bloom here in the Ohio Valley, and it's brought one of the worst allergy seasons with it this time.  People you talk to you that have never had any problem with spring or fall allergies are sneezing and hacking due to all of the crap in the air.  We've also had summer-like temperatures for the past couple of weeks.  There's been a cool day here and there, but over all it's been pretty warm.  As you all know, warm tempteratures bring the annual waiting game here at The Compound: me waiting for the 'rents to flip the switch and turn on the central air conditioning. 

As I said, it was a mild winter and it's been a pretty warm spring, but I have to say that honestly, I don't think it's been unbearable so far.  Sure, we've had the a/c on in the cars, but we've only had the attic fan on once, and that was last night.  I haven't even had to sleep with my windows opened yet.  I know my faithful readers will find that hard to believe, but it's true. 

I'm very surprised and happy to say that this evening, the Big Event happened -- Dad flipped the switch and turned on the air.  I was in the bathroom looking for a bandaid, when I heard him ask Mom "Do you think we ought to turn it on tonight before the house gets too uncomfortable?"  Let me tell you I thought I was going to fall in the floor when I heard that.  Then I he yelled at me "What do you think?"  I decided I'd better play it cool or the whole thing would blow up in my face.  I tried not to keep the excitement out of my voice, and said "I guess.  I'm not uncomfortable."  Then it happened in the blink of an eye, without any fanfare and surprisingly enough without any whining and complaining by me; I felt the cool air coming from the vent in the bathroom  Maybe that's been the key all along - act like comfortable and not drop any subtle (or not-so-subtle) hints.  I'll sure have to remember this next year and hope it works again.  But for now, it's cool at The Compound.

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