Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Good News

As if me getting over the upper respiratory crap isn't bad enough after fighting it for two weeks, we woke up this morning to discover that Mom is coming down with it. She's not too bad - her cough isn't nearly as bad as mine was, thank goodness. She already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Wednesday, so if she still has it by then I'm sure her doctor will prescribe something for it. But till then, I'd gladly take it on again so she won't have to endure it. And on top of this, I just got off the phone talking to a friend who has just come down with the chicken pox. Yes, chicken pox. And she's 54 years old, too. She laughed and said she willed it on herself for getting cocky about not catching the upper respiratory crap that's been going around. Dr. Puddin the armchair dermatologist told her to put a half a cup of vinegar in a lukewarm bath and soak in it, and to keep herself covered in calamine lotion. I also prescribed some Benedryl if the itching got to be too much, and if that didn't work, to resort to narcotics and/or alcohol. Surely one of those treatments will help her endure the chicken pox.

1 comment:

Toots said...

I always heard Calamine lotion. Mom covered me in it when I had them.