Thursday, October 22, 2009

Drama Thursday

Some might think this is lame to write about yet again, but unfortunately this week's dramas have continued and spilled over into Thursday.

The most frustrating drama lasted throughout the day - the continuing saga of Mom's prescription issues. While they were out this a.m. she received yet another phone message saying that the prescription had been denied. Well, this time, I will take the blame for the confusion. It seems I didn't listen to her fully when she was trying to explain it all to me. I printed out a new prescription form from the company's website, filled it out for her and we mailed it out tonight along with the actual prescription from her doctor. And it only took us two days to get it all straightened out.

In keeping with our drama theme, there was one new drama at work today. When I arrived this a.m. I heard raised voices and saw people pretty fired up. It seems we had an issue with some defective oil that we'd received, and there were rumors that we were going to have to shut down most of the assembly lines. But that issue was resolved, thank goodness, and production went on as normal.

We did get some good news today amid the drama We found out that my cousin was discharged from the hospital this morning, and he has an appointment to see the cardiologist on the November 19. We think that in itself is a good sign - if he was really bad off, we're thinking he would be seeing the heart specialist long before then. Dad just called him, and he's in pretty good spirits.

I'm hoping and praying for a drama-free Friday. I'll keep you posted.

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