Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thanks A Lot, Thugs

Starting yesterday afternoon, the weatherazzi began working all of us into a frenzy about the Storm of the Century that they are predicting for tomorrow evening -- 60-80 mph winds, large hail, flooding, tornadoes, etc etc etc.  They said to be prepared for power outages - with all of the rain we've had in the past month or two, the ground is saturated and if we do get the high winds, there will surely be trees down and power lines down.  This is just great, given the fact that some low-life MF-er broke into our garage on Wednesday night and stole our generator. 

The 'Rents last saw it Wednesday afternoon, when they stacked up some bundles of newspapers to be recycled on top of it.  Thursday morning, the generator was gone, and not one thing was out of place or missing from the garage except the generator.  We have thought about this a lot, and we've come to the conclusion that the low-life thief is someone that knew us and knew exactly where the generator was in the garage; it was in the far back corner, and the only way in or out with it would have been the back doors to the garage, that most people don't know about. 

Personally, this makes it much worse.  I feel worse knowing that someone that knew us or that has been to The Compound took the generator than some random thug looking for something to steal to pawn for drug money.  

We do have a bit of consolation.  The generator hasn't been turned on in 10 years, and the tires on it were flat.  So the MF-ing thief/thieves would have had a difficult time lugging it out, and if they tried to start it up, there might have been issues. 

This has made the three of us really mad - knowing that we work hard to have nice things and some low-life comes in and steals them.  

All I can say is that if there is a power outage tomorrow as a result of the storms, I hope that the generator won't work for whoever stole it.  

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