Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Press Panic Button

I am almost ashamed to admit I had a minor meltdown this afternoon.  When I walked out of work and got in the trusty Blazer, I couldn't find my car keys.  They weren't in my pants pocket.  They weren't on the seat or in the floorboard, or heaven forbid still in the ignition.  They weren't in my purse. 

I ran (literally) back into the office and started looking on my desk, thinking I might have taken them out of my purse and laid them down as I was getting ready to leave the office.  One of my coworkers was next door in the cubicle and he asked if something was wrong.  I told him I couldn't find my keys.  He said "Did you look in your coat pocket?"  Bingo.  I had purposely put my keys in my jacket pocket so I wouldn't forget to take home my jacket.  A lot of good that did me.

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