Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Heart Is Happy

I made a trip the library after work today to take back some books for Dad and to check out some more westerns for him.  The trip took longer than normal because there was a long line of people returning books and an equally long line of people checking out books.  Ordinarily, I would have been fuming and fussing over having to wait in a line for something, but when I have to wait at the library, I don't mind at all.  In fact, it makes me happy. 

It makes me happy because that means that people -- adults, teens and kids -- are reading books.  Book books; not just e-books being read on a tablet or iPad.  People are taking the time to read a book instead of wasting that time on the computer or playing video games or watching TV.  And it made me even happier to see whole families at the library.  That shows that parents are interested in their kids.  

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