Saturday, October 5, 2013

Irritations, Please Go Away

This very rarely happens to me, but today, I am irritated with just about everyone.  The 'Rents (so far) are exempt, but the day isn't over yet. 

It's been raining all day, and heavier rains are in the forecast for tomorrow, but the weather has nothing to do with it.  I'm just irritated today.  I don't want to look at anything on Facebook, because I'm sure posts on there would get me even more irritated.  If this offends anyone,  I'll apologize now.  I just have no tolerance for any whining or complaining today. 

I'm sure this will pass quickly, and tomorrow, I won't give this a second thought.

1 comment:

Toots said...

Sorry. I know I was one of the ones whining that day. I had a really, really bad day.