Sunday, May 6, 2007

Link Of The Week

As the chief editor, publisher, and head writer of TWIT, it's my prerogative to rant and rave about something if I want to - just because I can.  I don't do it too often, for fear that I would scare off some of my faithful readers.  But I've been known to get up on my soapbox from time to time when something really has me ticked off.  Not everyone is as fortunate as me to have their own online blog where they can rant and rave, but I found something this week that is almost just as effective.  Have you ever had the need to rant, but had nobody to rant to?  A cool website called IndigNation is just the place where you can let those rants out.  Visit and you can post your very own rant and rave about whatever or whoever you want.  Just keep in mind your rant and rave will be out there on the worldwide web for all to see, so you might want to not use a name of someone you're ranting about because they could Google their name and possibly find your rant about them.  But if you don't give a rat's neck, then go for it.  Happy ranting!

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