Monday, May 7, 2007

Hail To The Real Queen

Can you spot the Queen in the photograph above, taken just two days ago at the Kentucky Derby?  No, she's not the older woman wearing mint green with red flowers on her hat; the Real Queen is the second woman from the left.  Yes, that is none other than the Queen of Daytime TV, Susan Lucci. 

While most of the city, including yours truly, was busy getting ready for the Queen of England's arrival and all hung up on getting a glimpse of Larry Birkhead and baby Dannielynne, Susan Lucci slipped into Churchill Downs under the radar.  I was almost sick at my stomach when I found out that my beloved Ms. Lucci was a mere 15 minutes away from The Compound, and she didn't even stop in to say hello.  But that's OK - I know she was very busy that day, and I forgive her.  Maybe she'll visit me next time.

My cell phone and email inbox was bombarded with messages last night and today, from friends and co-workers wanting to make sure I saw Ms. Lucci on the Derby coverage.  I was sad to tell them I did not.  I watched a little bit of the TV coverage Saturday afternoon, but I sure didn't see her until I saw the above picture online late Saturday night. 

From the stories I've read, not many people at the Derby got the chance to actually meet Queen Elizabeth.  I have to say in all honesty, if I'd been there at the Kentucky Derby this year, and was able to watch the races from same private suite that Susan Lucci and Queen Elizabeth were, there would be no contest as to which one I would bow down to first -- Ms. Lucci without a doubt.  And if given the chance to meet just one of those remarkable women, which would I choose?  I don't think I even need to answer that one; I think you already know the answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, has that Ericka look on her face.......priceless!