Thursday, May 17, 2007

Has Anyone Seen My Shirt?

I get so frustrated whenever I lose something. But given my track record, this happens just about every week.  I guess I just have too much stuff.  But I digress. I'm frustrated right now because I've spent the last half hour looking for my very cool tie-dyed t-shirt from the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.  I've gotten quite a few compliments when I wear it, because on the back it says "If it's too loud, you're too old."  I know it's here at The Compound somewhere, but I just can't find it.  It's not that I wanted to wear it tomorrow - I just wanted to know where it is. 

I'm sure that makes no sense but I'm like that.  I'll think of something I haven't seen or used in awhile, and then go on a massive search and rescue mission in the house looking for it, just because I want to see it and want to know where it is; not because I want to use it.  I'm going to go search some more in my closet and in the basement during the commercial breaks during "Ugly Betty."  I'll keep you posted on my search and rescue mission. 

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