Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Customer Service Hell Update

After reading my dear friend Big Mama's comment yesterday, I did some research. In case you don't remember, Big Mama commented about how if you're talking with a customer service representative and you have the same trouble as I did understanding their dialect and accent, if you ask to speak to an American customer service representative, they have to transfer you to one. I went to a couple of urban legend sites this evening, and each one of them said the same thing - it's not necessarily true. It makes sense, though - if you call a company who is based here in the U.S., and if your CSR is speaking with an Indian or Russian accent, chances are they are an American citizen, so if you asked to speak to an "American", you might get them anyway, considering the fact that they are American.

My advice would be to politely tell the CSR that you're having the communication breakdown with that you'd like to speak to their supervisor or manager, and then maybe, just maybe their supervisor will speak better English then they did and you'll be able to understand each other better.

1 comment:

Blgmama said...

I talked to a very nice lady at Office Depot with a german accent today, a few times saying pardon and her repeting sentences I got my office order placed. Saying pardon, make them slow down a bit and help you maybe catch what you didn't the first time..........we can all relate can't we?