Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Year Of Trying New Things

After work and doing my walk this evening, I headed out about 25 miles away to my Sunday School teacher's house for week 4 in a 12 week study on the book of Daniel.  Each week, she graciously puts out a spread for us - 2 or 3 different coffees, a couple of different teas, and just about every Coke product they manufacture, and last but not least, food.  She has cheeses, crackers, nuts, pretzels, chips and salsa, veggies and dip, and usually either meatballs in sauce or little cocktail wieners.  I looked at the very pretty veggie tray only to discover there were no bell peppers on it.  Now, if you know me, you know that bell peppers are about the only raw vegetable I will eat on a veggie tray.  I've done better, though, and will now eat the occasional grape or cherry tomato.  I started to move on to the fruit tray when something on the veggie tray caught my eye:  sugar snap peas in the pod.  I've seen Rachel Ray and other "Food Network" cooks use them in veggie trays, so I thought I'd be adventurous and try one.  I'm here to tell you I could have taken the hole tray of them and sat over in the corner and eaten every one.  I'm hooked.  I know, I know - they're not all that low calorie if you eat them with dip, but I figure they're healthier for you than eating chips with dip.  I'm even going to stop at the grocery store before work tomorrow and buy some for my lunch.  Stay tuned - you never can tell what I'll try next.

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