Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Y2K, Part 2

It's been a strange week for me, faithful readers.  It has nothing to do with the severe storms and tornados that we had last night in our area; it has to do with our new computer system at work.  This Monday was our "go live" date for switching over to the new system.  We were expecting everything to crash just like we thought things would with Y2K, but we were wrong; Monday was as anticlimactic as you can get. 

Things went eerily smoothe all day Monday.  The new system didn't come to a crashing halt when everybody was logged on; it didn't even hiccup, as we like to call it.  In fact, we experienced more problems today than we did Monday.  I guess that's probably because we were gingerly clicking on first one screen and then another on Monday, and by today we were boldly clicking and weren't as afraid as were were the first of the week.  Other than a few issues that need to be resolved, I can't really say that we've had what would constitute a real "show stopper" problem. 

Our department was as ready as we could be; we'd come in early every morning since the first week of October for training, and when we left work this past Friday afternoon, we were finished with our dress rehearsals and were ready to start the show. It was almost amusing -- the same co-workers that gave us a hard time for the past few months because we were coming in an hour early every morning for training were the same co-workers that were calling us yesterday and today asking for help.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Piece of cake......great!
Now we're all live.