Friday, February 15, 2008

Flashback Friday

It's been an interesting week watching and observing how people have weathered the snowstorm that hit Monday night.  The past couple of days we've seen countless people fall on the ice, no matter how hard they were trying to walk through the frozen tundra.  One thing still amazes me -- the fact that people will be out walking in the ankle-deep snow in tennis shoes. 

When I was a kid, even if there was a dusting of snow on the ground, I couldn't get out of the house without wearing my snow shoes.  The other kids in my neighborhood were the same way; we all trudged about in the snow in our snow boots.  And if it was rainy or just wet outside, we'd have to tug and pull and pull the rubber boots on over our regular shoes; that was even worse.  But we wore them because we were made to. We might have fussed at first when we were attempting to put them on, but we knew that we couldn't go outside without them, so we went along with it.  We didn't have the different colors or styles that they have today; instead of Hello Kitty snow boots, I had dark gray ones.  And my rubber over-the-shoes boots were dark gray, too.  You  might have come across the occasional kid that had the yellow rubber boots, but that was rare.

I don't think I passed one person this week waiting at a bus stop that had on snow boots - they were all wearing tennis shoes.  And these weren't just kids - I'm talking about mostly adults. I can count on one hand the number of adults that I work with that wore snow boots/shoes to work this week.  We all had to trudge through, over and on the frozen tundra to get to the office building. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand for my feet to be wet or cold or even worse, both.  That's why I still wear rubber boots or my insulated snow shoes.  I guess people just don't care or don't want to take the time to dig the rubber boots out of the closet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wore my boots this week but still slid a bit this week, LOL.  I remember those rubber boots over the shoes.  I used to hate those things, but you are so right - was not allowed out of the house without them!