Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Saturday

I say sarcastically "Happy Saturday", faithful readers. My cable internet connection has been out since last night, and the cable repair people won't be able to get to The Compound until Wednesday. Ordinarily it wouldn't bother me too much but my next class starts this Sunday night and this is going to put me in the crunch zone for the first week of class. As I type this to you, I am using a neighbor's computer. They graciously offered the use of their computer until my system is up and running but I'm not one to impose. So if the TWIT posts for the next few days are limited to the few sentences I can send from my cell phone, I hope you all will understand.

And in keeping with my bad luck today, I've already had issues with the Post Office and our local Krogers. I hope it's not an omen of how my luck will be for the rest of the weekend and the following week.

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